Friday, January 24, 2014


Hello again friends. I've decided to start using this blog again,but for recording my sewing and other projects. I have finished a pair of pajama/sweat pants and have gather materials for a tank top dress that I hope to start construction on. The Link to the Dress Here! I got some lovely pink Chevron cotton on sale at Joanne's and instead of a bow for the waist, I'm using some thick black elastic and a black thick strap tank top for the top. I won't be able to wear the dress until summer, but am super excited to make it. As for recent happenings in Monument,the Thailand fundraising for the Flying Tigers is going very well and our tickets have been purchased and arranged. Now it's just a matter of making those last couple hundred and whatever spending money we want to bring. I'll have about a billion pictures and will most definitely post at least half ;)

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